Become a Patron of Cwmdare Voices
The Choir Patron scheme was inaugurated in January 2017 and was introduced in order for friends, family and interested members of the public to become more involved with the Choir while subscriptions offer some financial support for the Choir.
Annual Patron Subscriptions have remained at the same level since 2017, and are set at:
£10 for Individual Patrons
£15 for Couples
Patron Renewal invitation forms are normally issued in November/ December alongside the Choirs’ Annual Newsletter and Christmas Card.
What You Get
Invitation to a special Annual Patrons Evening with music and free buffet provided.
Advance notification of upcoming Choir Events
Priority tickets for concerts
Travel to away Concerts (whenever transport is available)
Provide support to the Choir at concerts and events
Invitation to Social Events laid on by the Choir with opportunity to meet as a social group
Patrons provide assistance for the advancement of the Choir.
Choir Contact
Ian Blake, Patron Secretary
Mob No.: 07804091386